Apr 052018
 April 5, 2018
SURJ Community Meeting - Wed. 4/25/18

Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Sacramento All Ages Community Meeting  Wednesday, April 25 UUSS Welcome Hall Potluck & Newcomer Orientation at 6:00 p.m. / General Meeting at 6:30 p.m. SURJ Sacramento will discuss what their workgroups (Education, Mobilizing, Art & Communication) have been working on, as well as projects that the chapter will be

Apr 042018
 April 4, 2018
TED Talks, “Decoding Our Emotions”

Tuesday, April 10, 7-8:30 p.m. TED Talks, “Decoding Our Emotions” We experience powerful emotions all the time, but what are they? Where do they come from? Come to the Welcome Hall at 7 p.m on Tuesday to hear TED talks that invoke history, language, science and music to help us think about the way we

Apr 032018
 April 3, 2018
Read a good travel book and join us on Tuesday, 4/24.....

at 7:00pm to discuss Blue Highways by William Least Half Moon. The author describes his solo road trip around America traveling only state highways(no interstates) meeting lots of very kind, interesting people and eating local diner food. We think you will enjoy the skillful writing, the apt descriptions, the colorful characters, and the “philosophizing.” All

Apr 022018
 April 2, 2018
SURJ Study & Action Group - Registration now open!

Registration is now open for the Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Sacramento Chapter’s Spring Study and Action Group! SURJ Sacramento is launching Study and Action – a community of learners committed to examining the histories of white supremacy and resistance movements, and building their abilities to effectively take action in support of people of

Apr 022018
 April 2, 2018

Urgent pledge update! Rev. Roger wheeled away by the Repo Man last Sunday! We urgently need all Pledgers to turn in their pledge forms to get Rev. Roger out of hock! Until we do, you can hear his sermons at the Sac Midtown Pawn Shop & Taxidermy Studio. LOL – Another one of Roger’s famous April Fool

Apr 022018
 April 2, 2018

The months race by even quicker than before. There is a mathematical reason for it but you have to come to the meeting to find out why. Saturday, April 7th Fahs room 10AM to 1PM Bring your project, your conversations and a smile! See you Soon Karen

Apr 022018
 April 2, 2018
Thank you Grasshoppers Team!

Our Grasshopper mowing teams have been beautifying our campus and saving us buckets of money for 15 years… Thanks!