Jun 142018
 June 14, 2018
Changing Systems/Changing Ourselves

The immigrant Justice group is participating in an online e-course “Changing Systems/Changing Ourselves”: loveresists.org/csco Due to the Board of Supervisors meeting on the day of the June 5 session, we postponed our meeting to Wednesday June 20 at 10:30 am to 12 noon.  It takes place in the Library.  Please come out and learn about

Jun 122018
 June 12, 2018
Games Night 6/15

In the Fahs Room at 7:00pm Come join our all-ages casual night of gaming.  We’ll have board and card games to play or you can bring your favorite games to share! Share in our summer joy and bring a potluck item to share. Comment or contact us at *protected email* if you have any questions/ideas.

Jun 112018
 June 11, 2018
EXIT WEST by Moshin Hamid is next on our discussion...

…schedule. All are welcome to join us in the library on Tuesday, June 26 at 7pm. This is an award-winning book which is reported to be quite thought-provoking. Here’s what one reviewer said about it: “In spare, crystalline prose, Hamid conveys the experience of living in a city under siege with sharp, stabbing immediacy. He

Jun 102018
 June 10, 2018
UU Parkway Stewards At It Again!

A fine crew of UUs turned out on June 9 to clean up our adopted mile of the Parkway. It was a special treat to have the company of Alice Lopes, the new Volunteer Coordinator of the American River Parkway Foundation.  With many of our regular volunteers away at the “All-Ages Camp”, we still had a

Jun 092018
 June 9, 2018
Ukulele Fun!

On Friday, May 11, ukulele enthusiasts enjoyed a showing of the documentary, “The Mighty Uke” plus a jam session & sing-along brought to us by Abby & Irwin Rosenblum and Joan Rubenson as an Auction event.  There was even popcorn and iced tea!  The film ranged from the invention of the ukulele, through the 1920’s American craze for all

Jun 082018
 June 8, 2018

TED Talk — Tuesday, June 12, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., UUSS Welcome Hall. Come hear an intellectually stimulating lecture by New York Times columnist David Brooks: “Trump and Afterwards — the Next American Culture”, and join in the discussion afterwards. Hosted by Rev. Lucy and Nathan Burg.

Jun 072018
 June 7, 2018


Jun 052018
 June 5, 2018
BLM Juneteenth Movie Night - Sat. June 16th

BLM Juneteenth Movie Night Saturday, June 16th from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Organize Sacramento – 1714 Broadway Original film created by Black Lives Matter Sacramento. $10.00 donation requested. There will be snacks, drinks, and BLM merchandise for sale. All ages are welcome with a play area for children. Please note there is no ADA accessible

Jun 052018
 June 5, 2018
ICE contract in Sacramento County voted out!

There are times to celebrate the small victories that chip away at the injustice of ICE in our communities.  Today was one such day.  The Board of Supervisors voted to end the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) contract that allowed people to be housed at the Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center.  RCCC is one of the