Sep 192018
 September 19, 2018
October 20 Canvassing in West Arden Arcade

  Join us to have first hand experience with the diverse people in our area of West Arden Arcade and to help raise their voices by hearing their concerns and getting out the vote. Saturday, October 20 @ UUSS @ 9:00 a.m.  We will canvass at in West Arden Arcade with two purposes: Get out

Sep 172018
 September 17, 2018

Our 150th Anniversary Gifts project includes new parking lot lighting–first a replacement of two existing rows of lights and then an installation of an extra row of light poles (and lights).  Done! The project also includes a new permanent Patio Cover outside our Main Hall and Welcome Hall, to enable us to have events outside

Sep 142018
 September 14, 2018
What has 82 feet and a HUGE Heart -- the Family Promise Urban Cow Race Herd!

On October 7, a group of past and current Family Promise moms, dads and kids will again be walking in the Urban Cow Race to raise money for the program. These families know first hand how important Family Promise was in helping them to change their lives…from being homeless to living independently. They want to

Sep 112018
 September 11, 2018
First Day of Spirit Play!

“Looking for a method of Unitarian Universalist Religious Education programming that translated into developing a UU identity or a spiritual foundation for the children in the classroom, Rev. Ralph Roberts, Beverly Leute Bruce, and Rev. Dr. Nita Penfold (who was Spirit Play’s Director for fifteen years) created Spirit Play.” Check out their new website for

Sep 052018
 September 5, 2018
Parkway Cleanup This Saturday, Sept. 8

Since the next Saturday is “Second Saturday”, the UUSS Parkway Stewards group will have a cleanup of the UU mile of the American River Parkway on Sept. 8. The pleasant weather and Labor Day activities have probably left us with much to do to help restore the beauty of our mile. As usual, we’ll meet

Sep 042018
 September 4, 2018
Artist Reception - Friday, September 7th from 5:30 to 7 pm

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento presents Jill Allyn Stafford and Dwight Head Exhibit dates September 7 to October 30, 2018 Artist reception Friday, September 7, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. UUSS Main Hall (map) For more information, call

Sep 032018
 September 3, 2018
Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice - September 8 in San Francisco and Sacramento

  The Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice march on September 8 in San Francisco is expected to be the biggest climate march ever on the west coast. 350 Sacramento, faith groups and others are organizing buses to take people to San Francisco. They just chartered a 4th bus.  This one starts at 909 12th

Sep 032018
 September 3, 2018

Rev. Lucy Bunch explores the fluidity of gender at Alliance for All Meeting, Thursday, September 13, 2018.  She talks about multiple gender identities, pronouns and the possibilities for gender inclusion.  Learn  about “The Genderbread Person.”  Alliance meets at 10:45 AM – Noon.  Light refreshments are served.  A $3 donation is appreciated.

Sep 032018
 September 3, 2018

Rev Lucy Bunch explores the fluidity of gender at the Alliance for All Meeting,  Thursday, Sept. 13 2018.  She talks about multiple gender identities, pronouns and the possibilities for gender inclusion.  Learn about “The Ginderbread Person.”  Alliance meets at 10:45 AM – Noon.  Light refreshments are served.  A $3 is appreciated.