Nov 142018
 November 14, 2018
Theater One Audition December 10

Audition Notice – Theater One at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento Location: Theater One, Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento, 2425 Sierra Boulevard, Sacramento, 95825 Date: Monday, December 10, 2018 – 7 pm Callbacks: Wednesday, December 12 – 7 pm “Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter” by Julie Marie Myatt Theater One will hold auditions for the

Nov 132018
 November 13, 2018
Website Training November 18th (Sunday)

November 18th – Sunday Now we have a beginners and an advanced class for learning more. Click here to sign up! There is a beginners class (12:45p-1:45p) AND an advanced class (2:00p-3:00p). If you want to learn how to post updates for your group then the beginners class is meant for you. If you’ve attended a previous training but want

Nov 122018
 November 12, 2018
Gratitude Practices

RE Families & all at UUSS: How do you practice gratitude in the way of grace, meal blessings, or other practices? Please send your gratitude practice as a message to Rev Roger or comment here. Gratitude!

Nov 122018
 November 12, 2018
Choir Message to RE Families & Friends

Posted on behalf of Julie: Hello Religious Education Families, I was energized to see some very engaged singers at the 10:30-10:50 am rehearsal yesterday morning, Sunday, November 11! We started working on the song we will be singing with the adult choir for the December 23 service, The Message of the Holly. It is a

Nov 112018
 November 11, 2018
Excellent Parkway Cleanup Crew on Nov. 10

What a fine crew we had on our Second Saturday, Nov. 10 cleanup of the UU Mile of the Parkway! Fourteen good-spirited, hard-working people showed up to collect and remove a huge pile of trash from our adopted mile. The photo below shows twelve of our crew including, from left: John Abbott, Wade Osborn, Bill Hardy,

Nov 102018
 November 10, 2018

The Board of Trustees will be meeting on next Thursday, 11/15,  at 7 p.m. in the Library.  The Agenda or the meeting will be posted prior to the meeting.

Nov 092018
 November 9, 2018
Faithful Friends Information Session

Faithful Friends Community Visitation Program for people in immigration detention at the Yuba county Jail in Marysville, CA. No one should be forgotten! Please join us for an information session where you will learn more about what Faithful Friends does.  You will receive the training that will prepare you to visit with someone in detention.  We will

Nov 072018
 November 7, 2018
In Loving Memory

Rev. Eileen B. Karpeles passed away at age 93 on Oct. 25 in Millersville, MD. She served UUSS as interim minister from Jan. 1989 until June 1990), making her the first woman to serve in ordained ministry at UUSS after more than a century of male clergy. She had been a teacher before pursuing a

Nov 052018
 November 5, 2018
Chicken Little's Christmas Party Opens Friday

Did you ever host a party where someone showed up hoping to eat the other guests? No? Well, you can find out what that’s like and who saves the day when UUSS’s own Theater One presents Chicken Little’s Christmas Party, a play for children and for all who are young at heart which opens this Friday