Nov 042018
 November 4, 2018
RE Music Performance December 23 info

We hope that you will participate in this event. Parents, grandparents, gaurdians: this is something special! We encourage you to participate! Let’s build a choir community among our kids and families for the rest of the year!

Nov 012018
 November 1, 2018
Rivkah K. Sass Speaks on Jordan's Zaatarai Refugee Camp (Nov. 8th)

Rivkah K. Sass, Director/CEO of Sacramento Public Library speaks on Jordan’s Zaatarai refugee camp, established by the Syrians fleeing civil war.  She will show pictures and talk about the camp she visits often.  Her insights will help us better understand the situation there.  We meet in the UUSS Library Thursday, November 8th at 10:45 AM