Dec 062018
 December 6, 2018
Holiday Cards for Immigrant Detainees Dec. 16

There are more than 160 detained immigrants at the Yuba County Jail in Marysville who will deeply appreciate receiving holiday cards. Faithful Friends~Amigos Fieles offers detained immigrants connection and support through a visitation program. We know everyone can’t be a visitor volunteer, but we are glad if you are able to join us in sending

Dec 012018
 December 1, 2018
An Intergen Christmas

From Keith’s December Unigram Article I learned a new word at last summer’s UU musicians’ conference. “Intergen” is short for “intergenerational,” and several UU churches have intergenerational choirs. We already have “all ages” services once a month, but this Christmas season our choir, some of our children and their parents, a few teens, and our