Mar 132019
 March 13, 2019
Chalice Camp for kids @ UUSS July 8-12--

The Family Ministry Team announces the return of Chalice Camp to UUSS this July.  Rev. Roger will be the Camp Director. This week-long day camp deepens children’s identity as Unitarian Universalists and expands their knowledge of Unitarian Universalism and their capacity to be articulate about their faith and heritage.  It includes outdoor fun, energetic worship and music, UU theater, cooperative games,

Mar 132019
 March 13, 2019

As soon as Roger and I starting coming to UUSS we knew it was very special.    If you are fortunate enough to have been a long-time member here I hope you will never take this church for granted. I think Grounded in Love is the perfect theme for our stewardship drive. I think it’s the

Mar 102019
 March 10, 2019
Stephon Clark--reflections from Sunday, March 3

[from the service the day after the District Attorney’s announcement that she would not file charges against two Sacramento Police Officers for the shooting death of Stephon Clark, 22, an unarmed black man]   Before the pastoral prayer and time of silence, I have some reflections I want to share with you. Our opening hymn,

Mar 092019
 March 9, 2019
15 Useful UUs Clean Up The Parkway!

The threat of rain was idle this morning as fifteen useful UUs removed more than a few bulging bags of garbage on the UU mile of the Parkway today. Shown below (from left) are only ten of our crew: Jeff Voeller, Lloyd Crockford, Doug Osborn, Alfie Adams (Doug’s friend), Roger Olson, Patti Nogales, Chris Kronser, Lorri

Mar 092019
 March 9, 2019
Message to UUSS from the president of our UUA denomination

Words from Susan in support of our annual stewardship campaign! Greetings!  It was great to see you last September and celebrate your 150th anniversary as a congregation.  Thank you so much for your warm hospitality. When I travel on behalf of our wider faith, it inspires me to know that congregations like UUSS are showing

Mar 082019
 March 8, 2019
Survey Monkey Web Survey for Environmental Justice in West Arden Arcade

This web survey is for residents of West Arden Arcade to give Sacramento County feedback to help them develop a plan to address environmental justice. The County-designated West Arden Arcade Environmental Justice Community (see map above) is bounded by: North – Interstate 80, West – Ethan Way, South Fair Oaks Blvd./Hurley, and East Watt Avenue.

Mar 082019
 March 8, 2019
The Alzheimer-Resistant Brain

Join Tiffany Urness and other friends in the Welcome Hall on Tuesday March 12, at 7:00 p.m. for this important TED talk! Cutting edge brain research suggests there are things we can do to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s. Tiffany will facilitate a viewing and discussion of three TED Talks on the theme of

Mar 072019
 March 7, 2019
Sorry to Bother You - this Fri at 7p (Free Movie)

Racial Justice Movie Night Friday, Mar. 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Fahs Room The UUSS Racial Justice Committee is hosting a screening of the film Sorry to Bother You, a movie from last year that won many awards. The guardian said about it: “white privilege gets a wacky wake-up call” This is a fundraising

Mar 062019
 March 6, 2019
Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter Lead Actress at Sunday Service

Actress, model, singer, and songwriter Sené Goss who plays the title role in Theater One’s upcoming production of Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter will be performing at this Sunday’s service.  Sené has been moving audiences with her gift for more than 20 years and her journey has not been easy but it has catapulted her into her

Mar 062019
 March 6, 2019
Introduction to Mindfulness

Six Week Introduction to Mindfulness Course for beginners begins in April. Features: Cultivating awareness in daily life, Group discussions, Guided meditations, and Mindfulness techniques. This six week Introduction to Mindfulness course will be taught by Ann Kronser, M.Ed. on Monday evenings 6:30–8:30 p.m., April 1–May 6 in the Fahs Classroom at UUSS. A donation of $20-$60 to UUSS, on a sliding