Mar 032019
 March 3, 2019
Stewardship Cake!

Thanks to all who joined us for cake after service today.

Mar 032019
 March 3, 2019
FREEDOM CLUB: March Update

Currently, we are working on our annual pancake breakfast.  We’ll be selling a large variety of pancakes including normal, gluten free, and chocolate pancakes. On the side we will have a bowl of fruit, sausages, and eggs. Suggested donation is $5 and any contribution gets us closer to freeing another slave. Pancake Breakfast March 31st

Mar 012019
 March 1, 2019

Making music together has probably been going on since our ancient human ancestors first gathered together and lived in communities. Music has that special power to bring people together, to touch hearts and minds, to uplift spirits, and to communicate deep truths. And thanks to the generous giving of our UUSS family and friends, music