Jul 212019
 July 21, 2019
Happy Hikers

Seven UUSS hikers enjoyed the mountain scenery and lakeside dining on the Flora Lake hike at Donner Summit on July 20. Next Walking Boots hike will be August 24 to Pt. Pinole.

Jul 182019
 July 18, 2019
July 20 Hike to Flora Lake

Meet at 8:30 am at UUSS to carpool. Bring a lunch and drinking water. This is a moderate out and back mountain hike of about 4 miles, without too much uphill, BUT you need to be able to hike at an altitude of 7000 feet on uneven terrain. There may still be some snow and

Jul 182019
 July 18, 2019
Sac ACT Delegate Assembly at UUSS on July 27 - 9:00 a.m

Sacramento ACT will gather at UUSS as a federation to discuss our long term vision and share on the work being done in each of our committees.  Sacramento ACT committees include Homelessness and Housing, Immigration, Reinvestment, Youth Justice, Education, and our own Environmental Justice; and this is a good place to learn what they do.

Jul 162019
 July 16, 2019
Postponed - July 23 Board of Supervisors EJ Workshop

There has been a change in plans and the Board of Supervisors Environmental Justice Workshop will NOT be held July 23. Instead, in August and September County staff will take additional community comments at our local Community Planning Advisory Council (CPAC).  Next the Environmental Justice General Plan Element will go to the County’s Planning Commission,

Jul 152019
 July 15, 2019
*Please Read* - Reorg of BLM Sac chapter

Update Re: Sacramento Chapter of Black Lives Matter The Sacramento chapter of Black Lives Matter is undergoing leadership and structural changes and will be continuing forward as Sacramento for Black Lives.  Sacramento for Black Lives is in the process of partnering with the Gender Health Center as their fiscal sponsor and a new process for

Jul 132019
 July 13, 2019
Saturday, July 13: Excellent Parkway Mile Cleanup Crew and Results!

Hi, Folks, Who’da thunk? In mid-July it could be a hunnert degrees out there on UUSS’s adopted mile of the American River Parkway!  Lotsa UUSS people off on vacation around the world. Dirty work to be done. So what happened? Twenty-three UUs and friends turned out to help clean up UUSS’s adopted mile of the Parkway

Jul 112019
 July 11, 2019
Stand for Justice in our Neighborhood in July

Sunday, July 21 @ Noon – 1:00 p.m. @ UUSS Fahs Room.  Sacramento ACT Executive Director Gabby Trejo will lead us in organizing to speak to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors  on July 23 about the needs of our diverse West Arden Arcade community. Tuesday, July 23 @ Board of Supervisors Chambers 700 H Street

Jul 112019
 July 11, 2019
Transgender Immigrant Justice

Tonight, July 11, 6:00 p.m. in Classroom 7/8 at UUSS.  NorCal Resist forum and discussion about local work to support trans women who have come to the US seeking asylum. Learn how you can help this vulnerable group.