From your Family Ministry Team (FMT):
You’ve probably noticed this regular feature of UUSS communications: “Where are Reverend Roger and Reverend Lucy this month?” If you ask me about where I’ll be, my usual answer is “making music with the choir and with you,” but every July our church sends me to the national conference of the (newly re-named) Association of
Our new swing set and nursery play structure soon will be completed. We thank Jeff Voeller (pictured) those who have been working with team leader John McMillan these past few weeks, often in 100 degree weather, to dig the foundation and erect the structures. With more participants on July 6, we can get it done.
Monday July 8, 6:00 p.m., “Death-positive” movies. Two short films, with discussion if desired, 6-8 p.m. on July 8 in the Welcome Hall. Is there a time when expending resources on care is wise, and others when it’s wasteful and even hurtful? Watch “What Really Matters at the End of Life” (19 min) and “Extremis”