Dec 032019
 December 3, 2019

Saturday Stitchers and Crafters is taking a break for the busy month of December. Due to an overwhelming number of possible absences Ginny and I are cancelling our meeting that would have been on Saturday. We want to wish you a wonderful and rich holiday season. — Karen and Ginny

Dec 022019
 December 2, 2019

At their November meeting the Program Council has adopted a set of guidelines for program groups here at UUSS.  We ask that everyone review the guidelines.

Dec 012019
 December 1, 2019
Holiday Cards for jailed detainees today after the service (12/1)

Holiday Cards of Compassion – Welcome Hall, today after the service (12/1). This is the fifth year that UUSS will join in sending holiday cards to the detained immigrants at the Yuba County Jail. Cards will be provided. Support with stamps would be greatly appreciated. Contact: *protected email*