Mar 222020
 March 22, 2020
51st Anniversary - The Carlsens

Wishing Susan and Richard Carlsen a very Happy 51st Anniversary. Raising a glass of champagne to all your years of love and joy and wishing you many more!  

Mar 222020
 March 22, 2020

The lupine flower is featured in the book Miss. Rumphius. We will read this book during virtual service on March 22. Print out and color, if you’d like! Lupine coloring page (PDF)

Mar 212020
 March 21, 2020
Finding Light on the Parkway, Sunday, 3/22/20

Hi, Folks, Here’s a bright spot amidst the waning darkness of early dawn on the American River Parkway: a beautiful little Spotted Sandpiper and reflection. Let’s keep finding the light in life! Dave Spotted Sandpiper, American River Parkway    ©David Dawson, 2020

Mar 212020
 March 21, 2020
Theology on Tap Goes Virtual

Special Thanks to Hally and Maiya for letting us use their Zoom Room. It was great to connect, chat and especially laugh!

Mar 212020
 March 21, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Saturday, 3/21/20

Hi, Folks, Today’s light moment from the American River Parkway is a photograph made this week by Rich Howard. In the photo, a coyote ambles past a stand of blue lupin into the sunlight on a trail at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center. Thanks, Rich! Be well! Dave

Mar 212020
 March 21, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Friday, 3/20/20

Hi, Folks, Today’s lightness from the American River Parkway is by Bobbie Keill. A sweep of California Poppies that she came upon just a few days ago at Sailor Bar. Whether we are there actually or virtually, it’s a beautiful place to be and to see. Thanks for this moment of lightness, Bobbie! Dave

Mar 212020
 March 21, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, 3/19/20

Hi, Folks, There’s beauty out there if we look for it. Jeff Voeller photographed these glorious California Poppies today on UUSS’s adopted mile of the Parkway. It was delightful to see it and thought you might enjoy it, too. Thank you, Jeff! Dave

Mar 202020
 March 20, 2020

…with an additional message to the immigrant community.  This video was provided through Sacramento ACT (Area Congregations Together) of which UUSS is a dues-paying and active member, especially through the Environmental Justice Committee.  This is less than 4 minutes long.  After Mayor Darrel Steinberg speaks, Vice Mayor Eric Guerra (who is my Council Member in

Mar 182020
 March 18, 2020

Rev. Roger and I embrace the challenge of staying connected to you during this time of physical separation. Below is a calendar of events planned for the week (the most up to date calendar of online events is found here); most will be offered via streaming, but some in person as well. First and foremost,

Mar 162020
 March 16, 2020
Ministers Message 3/16

Dear UUSS Community, It was an odd feeling to be in an empty church on Sunday morning. Of course, most of our experiences in the past few days and weeks have been unfamiliar and unsettling. The abrupt changes we’ve all had to make to mitigate the spread of the virus known as Covid-19 are upsetting