To keep everyone safe during the health emergency, all auction events through April have been postponed. Please be patient. When the time is right, we’ll reschedule dinners, etc. Thank you.
As the Governor’s office has asked small restaurants, bars and breweries to close we are apparently not hold TOT this month. We will have to wait and see what the future holds for all of us. I recommend you still enjoy community via, email, Facetime, Skype, Zoom or just plain old fashioned phone calls. Open a

Our Stewardship beanstalk seems to be thriving so far despite the many challenges we face. We just added two beautiful new leaves, thanks to more pledges from our generous congregation. We are almost halfway to our goal. Your pledge will help keep our Beloved Community strong—a source of comfort and healing in these troubling times.

Kurt & Stephanie made this video of the testimonial they would have given in the March 15 service at UUSS if it hadn’t been cancelled. I appreciate their flexibility as well as their support of the mission and ministries of this congregation. Stewardship Month began March 1. This is when members, friends and other supporters
While in-person Sunday Services are cancelled and the church building is closed, we are developing ways to stay connected with one another. Sunday 11 AM – Zoom worship service (see instructions below) Twice a week: Minister’s Message email for connection and updates (if you get the Unigram by email, you’ll get this) Tuesday 7:00 PM Zoom worship service (see

Hi, Folks, I’ve waited to get a reliable weather forecast before sending out this message about this month’s Second Saturday cleanup of UUSS’s parkway mile. Unfortunately, it looks like rain will be upon us at our 9:00 am start time. We’ve rarely had to scratch one of our cleanups, but it seems wise to call
In compliance with guidance from the Department of Public Health and the California Governor’s proclamation to mitigate the Covid-19 virus, we will be suspending Sunday services, Religious Education programs and Nursery Care at UUSS from now through March 31. In addition, larger group activities at UUSS are cancelled through March 31, or until further notice.