Mar 042020
 March 4, 2020
Focus, Function, Future, Fun!

What a dynamic time in which we live! St. Patrick’s Day is upon us and being a descendant of the Mahaney/Lynch clan, it is one of my favorite times to “wear the green!” Our Congregational Meeting is May 19th and will include the election of officers for the coming year. The UU General Assembly is

Mar 042020
 March 4, 2020
Another Farewell, with Deep Gratitude

After five wonderful, rewarding, delightful, productive, meaningful years as your Music Director, I shall retire on Father’s Day 2020. Serving you all has been a capstone of my 20 years of part-time (and briefly full-time) church music ministry in several Protestant denominations. Know too that no church music ministry has ever been “just a job.”

Mar 022020
 March 2, 2020
I Can Hardly Wait...

…to see the next Stewardship Beanstalk! Before this past Sunday, we had “seedling” pledges for next year totaling about $54,000, as shown by the colored leaf on the beanstalk below. After Reverend Dr. Janamanchi’s inspiring sermon, we at the Stewardship table in the Welcome Hall were inundated with pledge forms being turned in! I can hardly wait

Mar 022020
 March 2, 2020

Hello All you Fabulous Crafters! This Saturday is going to be a busier Saturday than normal! Saturday Stitchers and Crafters from 10am – 1pm and the Auction from 5pm – 9pm I would like to know how many of you plan on attending, so could you RSVP By Thursday at Noon? (*protected email*) I can

Mar 012020
 March 1, 2020
Sci Fi movie:  3/8/20 "The Thirteenth Floor" 1:00 p.m. Sunday March 8

Visions of the Future:  Science Fiction Films as Prophecy This month’s movie is “The Thirteenth Floor”. Join us on Sunday, March 8, 1:00 p.m. in the UUSS Library. A computer scientist who has developed a virtual simulation of 1937 finds himself suspected of a murder there. Stay for discussion of trends in virtual reality after the