This Friday Theology on Tap links up again with Zoom Join us at 7pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 963 7784 2397 Password: 617662 Agenda: 7-7:15 Meet up 7:16 – 7:50 1st Small Group 7:55 – 8:15 Regroup into 2nd small group 8:16 Return to main room and close meeting Zoom Etiquette Many of
THIS SATURDAY! Zoom says people need to have the 5.0 version starting May 1 (so folks might need to update software before joining the Saturday meeting.Open your Zoom app, if using a computer, and click on your profile, usually your picture. If an update is needed there is a selection on the drop down menu.Click
Online Worship, Sunday, April 26 Rev. Dr. Roger Jones “We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.” – UUSS Mission Statement Hymns: “We Are Gathered,” text by Amanda Udis-Kessler for this pandemic; tune “Nettleton” (see #126 in Singing the Living Tradition); “Spirit of Life/Fuente de Amor” by Carolyn

Hi, Folks, There’s an item that appears on my to-do list, day-after-day, that I know I need to do, but I just don’t get it done. It seems that a common consequence of the sequestration we’re experiencing is a lack of motivation. Much advice about how to overcome this is readily available on the internet

Hi, Folks, Remembering the loud braying of these orange-faced geese on the Parkway, and considering the contents and style of much of the 24 hour cable news cycle, brought to mind the prose poem “Desiderata”*. Written in the 1920s by Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata” was my father’s favorite poem. Dad kept it on the wall in

Hi, Folks, This black-tailed mule deer wading at the edge of the American River was solitary, but seemed purposeful as he made his way through the shallows. The many deer who live on the Parkway are typically life-long residents. Unlike their cousins in the foothills, they “shelter in place” year-round and find no need to