Apr 192020
 April 19, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hi, Folks, Here we are, probably feeling confined, but still with choices to make.  I intend to give some thought to what it is, when we are free of these limitations, that I’ll stop doing, start doing, or do differently because of what we’re now experiencing.  A quote from Necole Stephens* helps to inspire that

Apr 182020
 April 18, 2020

Families, kids and youth!  Don’t miss out. Virtually connect with our Religious education programs. We have several ways to virtually connect. Contact: *protected email* for zoom link Morning Zoom with Miranda – All RE/All Programs/All Ages, families and volunteers! Come show me your smile! Fridays at 9:00 in the morning. Zoom to Spirit Play with Miranda & Student

Apr 182020
 April 18, 2020
UU Readers Discussion Moved to Zoom

The UU Readers book discussion group will be meeting via Zoom at 7:00pm on Wednesday, April 29. This is a change from the normal schedule. Visit our website page at uuss.org/uureaders for the zoom link. We will be discussing The Library Book by Susan Orlean. We hope you will join us virtually.      

Apr 182020
 April 18, 2020

Greetings to all! One of my favorite times of the week is the Friday morning open house at 10:30. You can join us by clicking on the link on the front page of UUSS.org. We share and laugh and play games.  My spirits are always lifted by our times together.  This past Friday the group considered the

Apr 182020
 April 18, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Saturday, April 18, 2020

Hi, Folks, Here for this day, with appreciation to Ashley Hamrick and her sister, Heather Mathews for reminding me of it, is a poem by Wendell Berry: “The Peace of Wild Things”, by Wendell Berry* When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear

Apr 172020
 April 17, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Friday, April 17, 2020

Hi, Folks, Just a simple note today.  I hope the sight of this great blue heron from the Parkway gives you a lift! Stay well! Dave Great Blue Heron Lifting Off, American River Parkway    ©David Dawson, 2020  

Apr 162020
 April 16, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Thursday, April 16, 2020

Hi, Folks, Red-eared slider turtles are abundant on the American River. This sub-species of pond sliders is not native to our locale, but for many years, it has been available to purchase in pet stores. Red-eared sliders, kept as pets, have often been released from captivity and have thrived in the Parkway. The name of

Apr 152020
 April 15, 2020
A Gift From Irina, Our Pianist

Irina sent us these 9 songs she recorded for us while sheltering in place so you can have some music and even sing along while at home yourselves. You can play them right here on the page OR you can click here to go to a folder where you can download them all to your

Apr 152020
 April 15, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hi, Folks, Seems like I’ve been feeling tired and finding it more difficult to get things done these days. An article (see link below photo*), published by the Parasol Wellness Collaborative, and forwarded to me by my daughter, sheds probable light on reasons for ennui in stressful times. The article is titled, “Why Am I