This Friday 4/17/2020 we will be using the UUSS Zoom Room 7pm – 9 7pm Meet and Greet 7:15pm Small Group discussion 7:15pm Rejoin the main room and complete round up discussion Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 963 7784 2397 Password: 617662 One tap mobile +16699006833,,96377842397# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,96377842397# US (Houston)

Hi, Folks, It seems we now share some habits with geese. Last Saturday, a walk by the American River brought me in view of this pair of Canada geese and their brood of very recently hatched goslings. The family was “self-quarantined” on a small island, and thus was maintaining a safe social distance from predators.

Stewardship Update: Our beanstalk has ANOTHER new leaf! As of April 10, UUSS has received monetary pledges of support totaling 71% of the Stewardship goal. Thank you! Every day, more Pledge Forms arrive in the mail at UUSS. Just as we are finding ways to connect with each other to lift our spirits while keeping
Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, UUSS (Zoom worship at 11:00 a.m.) Homily The story of Easter happens over 2,000 years ago, and it’s in the New Testament. Jesus of Nazareth undertakes a ministry of healing, preaching, teaching and making trouble. He questions conventional human rules–and human rulers. Because of the trouble-making part of his ministry, Jesus
Even though we now have two services each week and a few other activities happening weekly by way of Zoom, the Covid-19 Pandemic has bumped many events for the congregation. All-Ages Camp–With regret the volunteer leaders of our All-Ages Camp announce that the camp has been canceled for this June. The Sons of Norway Recreation

Hi, Folks, Looks like Easter has come to the Parkway! Rabbits like these have been part of the Easter tradition since the late 1600s in Germany. Long before that time, Pagans celebrated hares in the spring season as symbols of fertility, life, death and rebirth, often associated with the Germanic goddess “Eostre”. An

Hi, Folks, When I met with this Great Horned Owl, he only had one urgent question: “How long is this !@#$%^&*(“? quarantine gonna last???” He was both grouchy and forlorn when I replied, “Maybe into June here on the Parkway.” I said it was understandable that he felt that way and that maybe he’d feel

Hi, Folks, Canada Geese are known to mate for life and to remain together throughout the year.* A pair of Canada Geese at dawn on the American River brings to mind a quote from Dag Hammarskjöld**, the Nobel Peace Prize winning second Secretary-General of the United Nations: “You wake from dreams of doom and, for