May 252020
 May 25, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Monday, May 25, 2020

Hi, Folks, Here’s a familiar sight for those of you who’ve helped in the past to clean up UUSS’s adopted mile of the Parkway. This peaceful scene is looking upstream from our mile toward the H Street bridge. I recently confirmed that, because of Covid-19 restrictions, we’re still not authorized by the Parkway Foundation to

May 242020
 May 24, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Sunday, May 24, 2020

Hi, Folks, Here’s a Green Heron from the Parkway who slept in late and, straight outta bed, is wading to attend today’s Zoom service.  No need to worry about getting all gussied up. Wishing you a happy Sunday, well-groomed or not! Dave Green Heron, American River Parkway   ©David Dawson, 2020

May 232020
 May 23, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hi, Folks, The restaurants are opening!  Are you tempted to take off and go out to dinner with all your friends?  I sure am.  Uh…, but maybe not quite so fast and certainly not yet with the lack of social distancing of these (California? Herring?) gulls on the Parkway.   Mahatma Ghandi said, “To lose patience

May 222020
 May 22, 2020
Only 1 Day Left...

… to respond to the special invitation from Jim Eastman and the Stewardship Committee: What does UUSS mean to you? Sprinkled over the last 11 weeks, you’ve heard stories from friends you know in this community who’ve shared what UUSS means to them and why they pledge. But like the interdependent web, your story is mingled

May 222020
 May 22, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Friday, May 22, 2020

Hi, Folks, Here’s our buddy, the beaver, chowing down.  On the Parkway, one of the beaver’s favorite foods, the inner bark of a willow branch, is possibly what’s being savored.  I don’t know about you, but I’m really looking forward to going out for dinner again, though I wouldn’t be competing with the beaver for

May 212020
 May 21, 2020

Topic: From Rev Lucy’s Sunday Homily:  Future Unitarians who look back at us may not like us very much.What is the UU Theology of the future going to look like? REMEMBER: Do not be late.  If you log in after 7:10 we will all be in our small zoom rooms and you will be all

May 212020
 May 21, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hi, Folks, Today, without further comment, I’ll hope that this Snowy Egret portrait brings to you a sense of beauty and light from the American River Parkway. Dave Snowy Egret, American River Parkway   ©David Dawson, 2020

May 202020
 May 20, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Wednesday, May 20, 2019

Hi, Folks, I drifted in my kayak toward this flock of highly opinionated Double-crested Cormorants. They seemed willing to share their views, so I asked, “Do you think hydroxychloroquine should be taken for Covid-19? If so, look right!”; and, “If you think hydroxychloroquine should NOT be taken for Covid-19, look LEFT!” Then I asked the