May 062020
 May 6, 2020

Hally is hosting the meeting this Friday (Thank you Hally) Agenda: 7-7:10 Meet Greet 7:11 – 7:15  Topic discussion/assignment 7:16 – 7:45  Small Group 7:46  – Return to Main room – wrap up John, Christopher, Taylor, Hally and Karen Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 963 7784 2397 Password: 617662 One tap mobile +16699006833,,96377842397# US (San Jose)

May 062020
 May 6, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hi, Folks, Sometime Soon? Two mergansers and an egret shared a gravel bar one day. “I’m going left as you go right!” I’m sure I heard one say. The lady duck and egret started downstream in high cheer; while the gentleman merganser,  chose upstream without fear. They sensed a newfound freedom on that un-sequestered day,

May 052020
 May 5, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hi, Folks, Does it seem like our world has, in some ways, been turned upside-down? “Hah! Big deal!” says this Acorn Woodpecker at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center on the Parkway, “I’m upside down and look what I found!” If we took a cue from this enterprising bird, we might kick our five senses into

May 042020
 May 4, 2020

Every month, UUSS gives away half of the offering receipts to an organization doing important work in the larger community. In May our partner is Sacramento ACT (Area Congregations Together). “Sacramento ACT empowers ordinary people to identify and change the conditions that create economic and racial injustice. Our shared faith values call us to envision

May 042020
 May 4, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Monday, May 4, 2020

Hi, Folks, This delicate looking Greater Yellowlegs is tougher than it appears.  I wouldn’t expect a bird, seemingly so fragile here on the Parkway, to be about to fly itself thousands of miles north to breed in the buggy bogs of northern Canada.  Perhaps its French name, “Grand Chevalier” or “Great Knight”, better reflects its

May 032020
 May 3, 2020

Two Recent Changes in RE/Family Ministry 1) Starting this Sunday evening, May 3, Parent Voices on Zoom will be a monthly offering, and no longer weekly. It will take place on the first Sunday evening of the month (at 8:00, after the kids go to bed). This program is for mutual support among adults who

May 032020
 May 3, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Sunday, May 3, 2020

Hi, Folks, A whole lot of “begatting” is happening on the Parkway as new generations of creatures are brought into existence this spring. Karen Tarp and Eric Ross took a walk last Monday and had the fun of seeing this mama wood duck with a brood of five ducklings. Two of her little ones dutifully

May 022020
 May 2, 2020
Finding Light On The Parkway, Saturday, May 2, 2020

Hi, Folks, You’re in for an exciting moment along the American River Parkway if you’re able to watch an osprey spot a fish from high in the air, pause, dive, catch and carry it away.   Such a feat, magnificently choreographed into the osprey’s genetic behavior, may be repeated several times a day by this