Jul 092020
 July 9, 2020

Monday, 7/20/20, at 7 pm.  Join us for a discussion of the proposed 8th principle for Unitarian Universalism focused on diverse multicultural Beloved Community.   Check out the 8th principle website here. Get the background and deepen your understanding of the proposal. Join us at 7 pm at this link: Conversations on Racial Justice The Proposed 8th

Jul 082020
 July 8, 2020
"Spiegel am Spiegel" ( Mirror in the Mirror)

“Spiegel am Spiegel” ( Mirror in the Mirror), an iconic piece written by Estonian composer Arvo Part in 1978, just before Part left Estonia for Berlin, was originally composed for violin and piano. This version featuring three instruments creates a mesmeric tranquility by recurring fragments in all parts as they travel back and forth in

Jul 072020
 July 7, 2020
Family Game Night July 10

Save the date: Religious Education/Family Ministry Team Jackbox Family Game Night. Friday, July 10 6 -7 PM Come play and giggle with us!

Jul 072020
 July 7, 2020
Take a picture of a tee shirt!

for the July 12 Sunday service.  Email it this week to the UUSS Office. Please find a tee shirt with a message or theme that’s important to you—and snap a picture of it–preferably a picture of YOU in the shirt.  Please email the picture by this Wednesday to *protected email*. With your help we can