Sep 212020
 September 21, 2020
Cure for COVID-itis:  Apologies!  Postponing

The Adult Enrichment Committee apologizes. We had invited Dr. Colene Schaepfer to present a class this week to help us all make the best use of our current isolation. Through no fault of Colene’s, we must postpone. More later.

Sep 202020
 September 20, 2020

Former UUSS member John Stanton passed away this month at age 82, of a second heart attack (his first was in December). His wife Mary has been living in a care facility and is on hospice care. They have two grown children, Eric (in Denver) and Leslie Stanton (she lives in Sacramento). John was a reporter

Sep 202020
 September 20, 2020
Higgins: A Drop with a Dream

“All this happened because Higgins had a dream and his dream came true. Because he knew that although he was just a drop in the bucket, enough drops in the bucket make a bucketful, and when there are enough buckets with the wind behind them, then justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like

Sep 192020
 September 19, 2020
Reading and Responding to Poetry Monday morning

with JoAnn Anglin, Monday, Sept 21, at 10:00 AM. via Zoom link.  All welcome. We will hear, reflect on, and speak about “Alien,” by poet Jose Angel Araguz. Link for this poem here. This program takes place the first and third Monday mornings of every month.

Sep 162020
 September 16, 2020
Racial Justice Conversation- 9/21/20, 7pm

The next racial justice discussion, about voting rights and UU the Vote, will be Monday, Sept 21st at 7 pm, on the main UUSS Zoom link. The video links and discussion questions are listed below. Voting Rights History- longer videos  A UU perspective on voting rights in 2020. Nicole Pressley, July 9, 2020. (11:30)  History of

Sep 162020
 September 16, 2020
More we can do to get out the vote!

If you’re up for writing some brief postcards, you can help people in Texas and Georgia find their Early Voting locations.  This effort is organized by Reclaim Our Vote, a non-profit working alongside UU The Vote.  E-mail *protected email* to volunteer.

Sep 152020
 September 15, 2020
Daytime Racial Justice Conversation 9/23, 10:30

Join us for daytime Racial Justice Conversations 9/23 TOPIC: Social Contract Wednesday, September 23 at 10:30 AM CONNECT:   Use the main  Zoom link on the UUSS website Please watch the videos listed below before our conversation. Here are links: Central Park incident (first 1:40 is the important part): Trevor Noah commentary (18 minutes) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: What

Sep 142020
 September 14, 2020
September Theme: Renewal

Welcome to Soul Matters – This month we kick off our Soul Matters Program with the theme renewal.  September is a season of homecoming for us UUs. And renewal is central to that. At the opening of each new church year, we renew our commitments to each other and our church community. We renew our