Oct 092020
 October 9, 2020
Class with Keith:  Topics in religious studies for Wellspring Wednesday

As part of our Wellspring Wednesday offerings, our own Keith Atwater will be presenting and leading a discussion about various religious topics on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.  (See the Wellspring Wednesday Calendar page for every week’s offering.) *protected email* is a professor of Humanities and Religious Studies at American River

Oct 082020
 October 8, 2020
Wellspring Wednesday Calendar

Join us on Wednesday nights online, when Rev. Roger, Rev. Lucy, and Keith take turns hosting Wellspring Wednesday, a rotating program of learning, sharing, community building and fun.  Newcomers and longtime UUSS members enjoy connecting through conversation about engaging topics.  At least once per month we focus on the monthly Soul Matters theme. On the

Oct 072020
 October 7, 2020

Sunday, Oct. 18, 12:30 PM via uuss.org/online Our annual fall meeting includes approval of the proposed 2020-21 budget, updates from clergy and lay leaders, announcement of the “Unsung UU” award at UUSS, and election of 12 local not-for-profits to be Community Partners for calendar 2021, which means each one will receive half of the monthly

Oct 052020
 October 5, 2020
Let us Begin with Deep Listening

This week we kick off our Soul Matters small groups with the first group on Thursday morning.  There are 12 groups meeting with 117 people participating.   I hope you are one of them.    If you missed the registration period, or are a newcomer to our congregation and would like to join in, please reach out

Oct 052020
 October 5, 2020
Movie Oct. 9: "The Art of Dying: Palliative art making in the Age of Anxiety"

Death Positive Movie Series, 2nd Friday of each month 6:30 pm. OCTOBER 9: The Art of Dying or (Palliative Art Making in the Age of Anxiety) Live from the Whitney: Inspired by Rainer Marie Rilke’s book “Letters to a Young Poet,” 79 year-old lesbian artist Barbara Hammer ruminates on the experiences of living with advanced cancer

Oct 022020
 October 2, 2020
Welcome to a Month of Deep Listening

Our Soul Matters theme for October is Deep listening, just in time for the start of our small groups.   If you still want to join a Soul Matters Small group or if you are a newcomer who is interested, let Rev Lucy *protected email*know and she will try to find space for you. This theme

Oct 022020
 October 2, 2020
In Loving Memory:  Elandria Williams

She died unexpectedly Sept. 23 at age 41.   As a young adult and woman of color, Elandria served as Co-moderator of the Unitarian Universalist Association through June 2020, presiding over General Assembly and co-chairing the UUA Board of Trustees.  She credited the mentorship she gained while growing up in the Tennessee Valley UU Church for