Friday December 4th 7:pm This month we are reflecting on Stillness – especially around the Solstice and moving from Darkness into the Light. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 5821 6945 Passcode: 711332 For our discussion we will be reflecting on the following reading: Here is a portion of a reflection titled “The Sacred
This Saturday is the very last opportunity for the year, 2020 to join in a Saturday Stitchers and Crafters Zoom Meeting. Please join Ginny, me and the other SS&C regulars for this holiday meeting. This Saturday, December 5th at 10AM to Noon. We would love to hear your plans, hopes and dreams for the holiday

Hello UUSS musical friends! I hope you were able to attend yesterday’s service and see me conducting our ‘other UUSS choir.’ I think you can find that on Facebook (at 18:00). They, like you, were so excited, fun, attentive — always watching the conductor :) — and had such lovely tone and diction! I really

It won’t take place this weekend, but save the next date! Join Rev. Lucy and friends 2nd & 4th Saturday morning of the month, 10:30 to noon. InterPlay is a series of forms that combine movement, storytelling, stillness, and sound to access your body wisdom. Take an opportunity to tune in, connect with others, give yourself moments