Nov 222020
 November 22, 2020
The Vegetable Prayer from our Gratitude Sunday Service

A Harvest of People by the Rev. Max Coots Today’s reading is entitled A Harvest of People, also known as the Vegetable Prayer. The Reverend Max Coots (1927-2009) served UU congregations in Upstate New York. He started his career as a Universalist minister, decades before the 1961 merger between the Universalists and the Unitarian denominations

Nov 202020
 November 20, 2020
Mindfulness Practices Monday night at 6:00

The UUSS Meditation and Mindfulness Practices session with Ann Kronser will take place this Monday, as it is scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 6:00 PM. The next one is this Monday, Nov. 23. It could be the most restorative and grounding half hour of your week, so please feel free to join

Nov 172020
 November 17, 2020
More thoughts on healing

  Our theme of healing continues for the rest of November.  In the second session of the month our Soul Matters groups will be considering the question: What’s something you know now about healing that you didn’t know when you were younger?   I encourage you to view this short film about one man’s journey through

Nov 172020
 November 17, 2020
Monday Music Moment # 26

Hello musical friends: Thanks once again to folks who send me such good ‘stuff’ to share! Thanks to our dear Joann Anglin, who sent me an inspiring, thoughtful article from the Washington Post about our need for music at this time in our world. Pat Skeels shares a short, fun, Sinatra-esque version of “New York,

Nov 162020
 November 16, 2020
Book discussion: "The Burning", save the date Dec. 1

UU Book Readers will meet on Zoom Tuesday, December 1 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss “The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921” by Tim Madigan.  Contact *protected email* for info.

Nov 162020
 November 16, 2020
Stuffed Animal Sleepover Invitation for Nov. 20-22 at UUSS 😺

Greetings, UUSS Families! Even though UUSS buildings are closed to humans, the buildings are not closed to our stuffed animals. At our Stuffed Animal Sleepover, they will have a fun weekend exploring the church and grounds and we will watch. Volunteers and I will host and chaperone a stuffed animal sleepover at UUSS from Friday

Nov 152020
 November 15, 2020

Topic: Beloved Community and Multiculturalism, Monday, November 16th at 7 pm, on the  Racial Justice Zoom link: Racial Justice Conversation Link. The 8PAT/Racial Justice Team discussions offer a safe place to learn together. You are welcome to forward this invitation to any individuals you think would be interested. The resources for this conversation will only take 30-40 minutes

Nov 142020
 November 14, 2020
Intro to Hebrew Bible Wednesday night

your advance study guide from Keith Atwater (  Nov. 18, 7:00-8:30 PM through this Zoom link: Wellspring Wednesday : A  Bible Study for UUs  (part 1) Bible Study 101: Valuable Information for Serious Students taught by Keith Atwater, American River College * Click here to download this guide as a PDF * worksheet / discussion

Nov 132020
 November 13, 2020
Monday Music Moment # 25

Thank you Kaitlin for sending me this inspiring & uplifting live performance of the Resistance Revival chorus 3 days ago in front of a Trump Hotel. Note the long white dresses (also worn by Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Geraldine Ferraro) — an homage to the suffragettes. Resistance Revival Irina also recently sent me a