Jan 142021
 January 14, 2021
Reading, Reflecting on Poetry with JoAnn Anglin

Monday, January 18, 10:00 a.m. at UUSS on Zoom at this link.  This class takes place on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. The poem for January 18 is “Declaration” by Tracy K. Smith, and you can read the poem at this link.  JoAnn writes: ” Although the poet’s words will seem familiar, she presents them

Jan 122021
 January 12, 2021
Music Moment # 32

Happy New Year! During Covid, my spouse Jean has taken on some arts and crafts projects. An old square outdoor wooden picnic table surface, she said, needed some inspiring brief words to paint at each place. So I directed her to Sufi poets, and she eventually found this by contemporary Iranian – born poet /

Jan 112021
 January 11, 2021
Washington Commons Cohousing  seeking members/neighbors

for its 35-unit cohousing community in West Sacramento. Each member household will have its own independent one or two bedroom condominium flat in a building with extensive community facilities including a community kitchen and dining room for occasional meals, extensive bicycle storage, guestrooms for family and friends and many other amenities. We heard about this

Jan 112021
 January 11, 2021
Mindfulness Practices Monday, Jan. 11

Join us for the UUSS Meditation and Mindfulness Practices session with Ann Kronser this Monday at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom at uuss.org/online.  The class is scheduled on 2nd and 4th Mondays, and everyone is welcome. Keep in mind that Ann is also offering a 5-week class called “Qualities of the Heart”, to begin on Thursday, January 14. Opening our hearts to

Jan 112021
 January 11, 2021
Three Conversations About Death, Feb. 4,11,18

Molly Stuart leads these important conversations about death and dying on Thursdays in February at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom.  In this program, we work our way from a practical understanding of the issues surrounding end of life care, then explore our life values so that we can respect them even during death, and finally articulate specifically the

Jan 092021
 January 9, 2021
Still, Still, Still from our Christmas Eve Service

as introduced by our Music Director Keith at our UUSS online Christmas Eve Service 2021: “Our first musical gift is an old Austrian carol ‘Still, Still, Still’ a lullaby about Mary and the newborn babe. It was recorded virtually as is so much music during this time and the soprano is our own Michelle Dunnaway,

Jan 072021
 January 7, 2021
Music Moment # 31

Hello, all! I hope your Christmases were all you wished for, if not more! I’m sure we are all looking ahead to 2021. I reprint below one of the cutest, sweetest ‘thank you’ emails for the holiday music I contributed to. It’s from an active family with three little ones: Our family enjoyed the Christmas

Jan 072021
 January 7, 2021
Register and Buy Tickets for 2021 Auction

Take advantage of the 25% discount on dinner tickets for the March auction by ordering now! Tiki Harlow and Marion Randall have planned a scrumptious take-out gourmet dinner that caters to all dietary needs. Click on this link that will take you to the registration site. This offer ends January 20!