Apr 212021
 April 21, 2021

This event yesterday was amazing ! Rev Lucy read the declaration and many area clergy spoke with eloquence about the need to care for creation. Our new email is *protected email* You can watch below:  

Apr 202021
 April 20, 2021
Widening the Circle of Concern

Tonight’s vesper service included reference to a section of this book, which is a report of the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change.  You can read or listen to it at this link:  https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/cic/widening/congregations-communities

Apr 192021
 April 19, 2021
Wellspring Wednesday April 21, at 7:00 p.m. "God as Becoming"

Everyone is welcome to drop in any Wednesday night at 7:00 at uuss.org/online, when your ministers host a gathering called Wellspring Wednesday.  Each week of the month will focus on a specific theme. Join us for discussion, connection and learning together. This 3rd week of April, Rev. Roger speaks on “God as Becoming” (in Process/Relational Theology) Coming up: Fourth Wednesday:

Apr 182021
 April 18, 2021
Official Notice! Congregational Meeting - May 16th

The next Congregational Meeting will be held in the UUSS Zoom stream after the service on Sunday, May 16, 2021. Please stay on the Zoom or join us at 12:10. Visitors and pledging Friends are welcome, but we need a quorum of Members to conduct business. Click here for the agenda and here to read

Apr 162021
 April 16, 2021
Reading & Reflecting on Poetry with JoAnn Anglin, Mon. April 19

Join JoAnn and friends at 10:00 a.m. for this Adult Enrichment class that takes place on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month.  Access to our discussion is the same as used for Sunday services.  Find us at this zoom link Our poem will be “My Eighteen-Month-Old Daughter Talks to the Rain as the Amazon Burns” by the poet

Apr 152021
 April 15, 2021
My First Ramadan -- Algiers, 1966

In the lunar calendar, Ramadan is recognized as the month in which God spoke the Holy Scriptures to the Prophet Mohammed. Observing the daytime fast in the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, along with the Profession of Faith (in one God), Prayers (five times a day), Almsgiving (donating to

Apr 122021
 April 12, 2021
Wellspring Wednesday April 14, at 7:00 p.m. "Life Stories of Our Elders"

Everyone is welcome to drop in any Wednesday night at 7:00 at uuss.org/online, when your ministers host a gathering called Wellspring Wednesday.  Each week of the month will focus on a specific theme. Join us for discussion, connection and learning together. This 2nd week of April, Rev. Roger hosts longtime UU Elizabeth Pataki, mother of the Hubbards,

Apr 092021
 April 9, 2021
Mindfulness with Ann, Mon. April 12 at 6:00 p.m.

Join us for Meditation and Mindfulness Practices with Ann Kronser on Monday, April 12, 6:00-6:30 p.m. on Zoom at uuss.org/online. This helpful and inspiring Adult Enrichment class is scheduled at 6:00 p.m. on 2nd and 4th Mondays, and everyone is welcome.

Apr 092021
 April 9, 2021
The 8th Principle Vote

Do you know about the 8th Principle? UUSS is considering adopting the 8th Principle that has been proposed to the Unitarian Universalist Association for our denomination.  A resolution has been drafted and will be voted on by the congregation at the May 16th Congregational Meeting.  Find out more about the UUSS Resolution to Adopt the