Apr 012021
 April 1, 2021
Solid Support Builds for Stewardship

We feel continued gratitude to the UUSS community. The Stewardship Committee is pleased to announce that close to $250,000 has already been pledged for 2021-22 UUSS operating expenses. Please help our UUSS community continue toward our goal, moving forward to better days…together. Please submit your 2021-2022 pledge by Monday, April 5, by one of these methods: Go to the

Apr 012021
 April 1, 2021
UUSS Featured on NPR Story

Find the link here!  Saturday morning, April 2, on Weekend Edition Saturday, National Public Radio carried a story about patterns of religious participation in the year of the pandemic. The story was produced locally, and it aired March 31 on Capital Public Radio news. Rev. Roger provided background information to the reporter and you can