It’s the third Thursday again, and that brings us to the September meeting of Theology on Tap. Meeting this month is at: Drake’s: The Barn 985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691 7 – 9pm John, Christopher and Taylor
Religious Education: To maximize accessibility and safety, this fall the RE classes will not take place during the service. Services are always open for all ages to choose to attend in person. For kids from kindergarten to grade 5, Ms. Miranda will build community and learn from our kids with our new Soul Kids curriculum on
Important Updates for You: In circumstances that continue to be challenging, we launch a new church program year this Sunday! Here is a summary of what to expect as we strive to live out our UUSS Mission for another year. At 10:30 this Sunday (Sept. 12) we hold our first fully hybrid service. It’s exciting!
This team is for YOU😊 Join the “Campus Beautification Team”, working and landscaping together for a welcoming home at 2425 Sierra Blvd. To keep the UUSS campus beautiful, it takes the Grasshoppers and others to maintain the grounds. We have separated plant and bush areas from grass and are asking volunteers to choose one area
InterPlay, led by Rev. Lucy and Friends, takes place on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 10:30 to noon online on UUSS Zoom. InterPlay is a series of forms that combine movement, storytelling, stillness, and sound to access your body wisdom. Take an opportunity to tune in, connect with others, give yourself moments
Everyone is welcome to a Ukulele Strum-Along, Friday, September 10 at 7:00 p.m. (6:30 for beginners) in the UUSS Fahs Room. Fahs is the big meeting room in the Education Building across the covered patio behind the Main Building. We will require masking and social distancing. Beginners are very welcome, so please come early, at 6:30,
At our 10:30 AM service on Sept. 12 we start a new practice to include those attending services in person as well as those attending online. If you would like to have a particular joy, sorrow, milestone or concern spoken aloud by a minister in next Sunday’s prayer time, at the link below you can find
“Welcome to this place of possibility!… Here may our sight become vision to see the unseen, to glimpse the good that is yet to be.” Marianne Hachten Cotter Have you ever considered that embracing possibility has more to do with being a people of vulnerability and courage than we’ve thought? The work isn’t just about