Sep 052021
 September 5, 2021
Vaccination Exemptions?--A Theological & Ethical Reflection

from the Aug. 27 Weekly Message email blast “Do people ask you to provide a religious exemption from taking the Covid-19 vaccinations?” Then the person followed up: “What is the religious perspective on vaccination, anyway?” Here is my answer: Religious traditions vary on many health issues, and leaders within the same tradition may disagree with

Sep 032021
 September 3, 2021
Refugee Crisis:  our Afghan friends and their loved ones in danger--ways to help

The heartbreaking and outrageous news continues to unfold about the desperation of the people of Afghanistan, especially those who provided services to the governments and military forces of the US and other western countries. We are grateful that several of our Afghan American friends are home safely, but we share prayers of concern, worry and

Sep 022021
 September 2, 2021
Sangye Hawke’s Ordination: A Day to Remember

Dear Beloved Members and Friends of UUSS: On August 21, I, Student Minister Sangye Hawke, became Reverend Sangye Hawke inside the lovely sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento. No event is without challenges, but the Ordination Team of UUSS made this dual congregation ordination look easy. Working with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of

Sep 012021
 September 1, 2021
Welcome to our new Music Director!

We are happy to introduce Anthony Taviani as our next Music Director. He will direct our UUSS Choir and select and lead special Sunday music by volunteer and guest instrumentalists and singers. He currently teaches voice and piano through the Sacramento Preparatory Music Academy. Previously, he spent seven years as the music director at St.