Oct 072021
 October 7, 2021
Saturday, Oct. 9 - Interplay: Recharge your body and spirit

InterPlay, led by Rev. Lucy and Friends, takes place on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 10:30 to noon online on UUSS Zoom. Take an opportunity to tune in, connect with others, give yourself moments of ease and be playful! If you are looking for a way to have fun and insights all

Oct 042021
 October 4, 2021
Art Reception - Thursday, November 4th from 5:30 to 7 pm

Art returns to UUSS! On Thursday, November 4th the committee will be featuring art by John Angell.  There will be a reception and a brief talk by the artist.  This event will take place from 5:30 to 7 pm in the mail hall.

Oct 022021
 October 2, 2021
Reading & Responding to Poetry, Monday, Oct. 4, with JoAnn Anglin

Our Lectio Divina gathering to reflect on poetry takes place on the 1st and 3rd Monday each month at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom at uuss.org/online, the same link as for Sunday services.  That will be this coming Monday, October 4. The next poem we will consider will be “Waiting for the Barbarians,” by C.P. Cavafy. It can be

Oct 022021
 October 2, 2021

“Money, Relationships, and Real Life”–Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, preaching, with Rev. Lucy Bunch, Worship Associate Karen Sparrow, Pianist Irina Tchantceva, Music Director Anthony Tavianini Our Soul Matters theme in October is Cultivating Relationship. In our society, relationships can be blessed or troubled by our attitudes about money and resources. Yet the ways that we handle

Oct 012021
 October 1, 2021
October Soul Matters Theme is Cultivating Relationships

From Soul Matters Headquarters: Pandemic time is teaching us so many things about relationships. It’s undone our assumptions about work, calling into question the worth of “going into the office” and exposing how we pass most of the economic pain down to those on the so-called lowest rungs of the ladder.  It’s clarifying that there is