Feb 102022
 February 10, 2022
February Board Update

Message from your president: Along with you, I mourn the recent passing of Tonie Darling.  Tonie was a remarkable and talented person who served as the president of our congregation since last July.  She was on the board since 2020, after joining UUSS in 2015. Tonie was proud to be a lifelong UU.  Per our

Feb 102022
 February 10, 2022
Newcomer Orientation this Sunday the 13th!

Attention all UUSS newcomers: join us for a tour of the campus and an orientation to UUSS and Unitarian Universalism this Sunday.  The session starts about 10 minutes after the Sunday service and runs for 60 minutes. You can sign up at the Welcome Table before the service, or just come!   Our in-person Newcomer Orientation happens

Feb 102022
 February 10, 2022
Saturday, Feb.12 - Interplay: Recharge your body and spirit

InterPlay led by Rev. Lucy and Friends takes place online with Zoom on the second Saturday of the month, 10:30 a.m. to noon.  InterPlay is a series of forms that combine movement, storytelling, stillness, and sound to access your body wisdom. Connect with others, give yourself moments of ease, be playful, finding fun and insights all at

Feb 102022
 February 10, 2022
Exploring Deism and Theism: "Belief in God in an Age of Science", Sundays at noon

A seven-week series on Sundays, January 23 – March 6, 2022, 12:00 to 1:50 p.m. You are invited to a free-wheeling discussion of beliefs in some form of Higher Power, centered around reading “Belief in God in an Age of Science” by John Polkinghorne.  Reading the whole book is not required! The first meetings have happened,

Feb 092022
 February 9, 2022
Ukulele Strum-Along Monday the 14th, 2:00 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to a Ukulele Strum-Along this Monday, February 14, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. in the Fahs Room at UUSS (in the Education wing, behind the main building).  The UU Beginning Ukers meet on the second Monday of each month.  We are masking, and ask for proof of COVID vaccination.  Beginners, come at 1:30 for

Feb 062022
 February 6, 2022
Freedom Club Update February 2022

As the 2022 year begins, the Freedom Club is planning several new events. Our recent Fun Run was successful thanks to all of you and in April, our annual Pancake Breakfast is set to take place.  In other news, we are working on creating a membership program which will provide patrons with a monthly newsletter. Thank you for

Feb 052022
 February 5, 2022
Reading & Responding to Poetry, Monday, Feb. 7, with JoAnn Anglin

Experience a special poem and discussion on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom at uuss.org/online/. The words we’ll consider are by poet Ellen Bass, The Thing Is, which addresses the challenge of loving life in difficult times. This poem can be found here, as well as on other