Jun 302022
 June 30, 2022
Weekly Message July 1, 2022

*Click here*Upcoming Services & Sunday School, Roger’s Reflections on Our Country, & Ways to Be Involved ~ Vote for the sermon you want to hear again this summer!

Jun 302022
 June 30, 2022
Saturday Stitchers - Saturday July 2nd

For those of us staying close to home we will celebrate the 4th of July Saturday July 2nd Fahs room  10 – Noon Bring your favorite hobby and join us!

Jun 252022
 June 25, 2022
Rev. Roger's message about Supreme Court decision against abortion rights

Dear Congregation, Greetings from Portland, Oregon, site of the General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).   You all have been in my thoughts in the wake of the Supreme Court majority’s overturning of the right to abortion services. This a dangerous, deadly decision, especially for adults or youth who live in states that

Jun 232022
 June 23, 2022

The UUSS Treasurer’s Report, Balance Sheet and short Income and Expense Statement for May are available on the Board of Trustees page at the “Treasurer’s Reports” link on the page. The reports are posted monthly before the Board Meeting. The more detailed reports are available at the “Detailed Financial Reports” link, which requires the password to access. The

Jun 202022
 June 20, 2022
With an early hour June 11 session...

…our Parkway Eleven took lots of trash repossession to lessen habitat retrogression! Hope you enjoyed the title of this post. This past Saturday, June 11th, we were able to start an hour earlier at 8am cleaning up to “beat the heat” on a forecasted triple digit temperature day. Most impressively, even though technically not our

Jun 182022
 June 18, 2022
No meeting Mon. 6/20 for Reading and Responding to Poetry with JoAnn Anglin

JoAnn will be away and not be able to host our regular Lectio Divina zoom meeting. However, she is sending a copy of the poem This Beauty, by Gerald Fleming. It is very timely, the poet’s reaction to the slaughter at Uvalde. The poem can be read at https://voxpopulisphere.com/2022/06/14/gerald-fleming-this-beauty/

Jun 172022
 June 17, 2022
(VIDEO) The Power of Speaking Up Together

On Tuesday, 23 UUSS members and friends attended the Board of Supervisors meeting to support Community Based Organizations (CBO) who work with homeless and racial justice issues. Five additional people called into the meeting, and many others sent emails to the supervisors. These CBOs are requesting that the Board allocate a portion of the American Rescue Plan Act funding

Jun 172022
 June 17, 2022
Weekly Message June 17, 2022

*Click here* Our Summer Message: News, Invitations, and Roger’s Reflections for these Days ~ Vote for the sermon you want to hear again this summer!