Jun 082022
 June 8, 2022
Newcomer Orientation this Sunday the 12th!

Attention all UUSS newcomers: join us for a tour of the campus and an orientation to UUSS and Unitarian Universalism this Sunday, June 12.  The session starts about 10 minutes after the Sunday service and runs for 60 minutes. You can sign up at the Welcome Table before the service, or just come!   Our in-person Newcomer

Jun 052022
 June 5, 2022
Reading & Responding to Poetry, Monday, June 6, with JoAnn Anglin

All are welcome to join JoAnn Anglin on the 1st and 3rd Monday each month at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom at uuss.org/online/ for Reading & Responding to Poetry.   For our Lectio Divina zoom meeting tomorrow, June 6, we’ll read the poem Coyotes by Mark Jarman. Enter at 10:00 a.m. the same way you would ‘attend’ Sunday service. Think about

Jun 032022
 June 3, 2022
Weekly Message June 3, 2022

*Click here* Welcoming the Spirit of Transformation ~ Celebrating Gay Pride Month

Jun 022022
 June 2, 2022
More Information about Our Day of Action - June 14th

The Day of Action is just around the corner–June 14th.  That is the day we will raise our collective voices to urge the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors (BOS) to make homelessness and housing solutions their top priorities for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. There are several ways to support this important matter: 1.

Jun 022022
 June 2, 2022
Wednesday, June 8:  Free workshop on dementia, online, for family caregivers

The UUSS Caregivers Support team recommends this event, “Behavioral & Psychological Symptoms of Dementia” with geriatric psychiatrist Dr. Beverly Chang. 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. on June 8, 2022.    CARES (Caregiver Action & Resource Education Series) is a  collaboration among Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center, the Alzheimer’s Association, and Senior Care Solutions. They offer classes

Jun 012022
 June 1, 2022
Welcome to Celebrating Blessings

June is our final month for Soul Matters this church year.  We will come back in September.  Here is the introduction to the materials. A Soul Matters facilitator once shared, “I guess after plan A fails, I need to remember there’s still a whole alphabet out there.” Who of us doesn’t need a little help

Jun 012022
 June 1, 2022
Sunday the 5th -- UUism:  "Trying Once Again to Say Who We Are"

Plan to come to a Sunday Forum with Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson & Rev. Roger on Sunday, June 5, 2022 after the service. We will meet at 11:50 a.m. in the Fahs Classroom, or you could view the forum on UUSS Zoom at uuss.org/online. So — why do we need to re-define who we are? UUs affirm and promote a