Nov 182022
 November 18, 2022
Auction Winners Statements have been emailed

Thank you so much for participating in the UUSS Auction. Your generosity helps fund our mission and programs. Auction Statements were emailed Tuesday afternoon. If you bid on items in the auction but have not yet received your statement, please check your email spam folder or Google Promotions folder. Still can’t find it? Click the

Nov 182022
 November 18, 2022
Weekly Message November 18, 2022

*Click here* Welcoming Newcomers and New Members ~ Annual Circle Service on Gratitude this Sunday

Nov 172022
 November 17, 2022
Poetry on Monday the 21st

Join JoAnn Anglin to enjoy a poetry discussion via Zoom: on Monday the 21st at 10:00 a.m.  JoAnn writes: November is National Native American Month. This coming Monday our gathering will feature the poem, Myth of the Vanishing Indian, by Rena Priest, Washington State’s Poet Laureate. I think you will like how she includes irony in her poem, which

Nov 162022
 November 16, 2022

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 7:00 pm, 2140 Mission Ave. With other Arden Arcade and Sacramento congregations of diverse faiths, UUSS again will participate in an Interfaith Hour of Thanks, for the first time since before the pandemic. Rev. Roger will participate in the service along with Jewish, Protestant, Catholic, Muslim and Buddhist clergy and lay leaders.

Nov 162022
 November 16, 2022
Our Whole Lives (OWL)--respect, relationships, responsibility

OWL is a series of age-appropriate sexuality education programs based on Unitarian Universalist values like respect for self and others, personal and social responsibility, and honest communication.  The trained adult facilitators recently conduced the parent info session about the upcoming class, which is for grades 4-5-6.  It will start in January 2023. An OWL program

Nov 162022
 November 16, 2022
Auction Winners Statements have been emailed

Thank you so much for participating in the UUSS Auction. Your generosity helps fund our mission and programs. Auction Statements were emailed Tuesday afternoon. If you bid on items in the auction but have not yet received your statement, please check your email spam folder or Google Promotions folder. Still can’t find it? Click the

Nov 152022
 November 15, 2022
Upcoming Walking Boots Hike Saturday, 11/19

Join us to carpool from UUSS for the 30 minute drive or meet at Wilson Park in Lincoln. We will walk out and back from Wilson Park to Coyote Pond Park (also referred to as Orchard Creek Open Space Preserve.) This is an easy 4-5 miles on paved bike trail in suburban greenbelt. Marsh, creek,

Nov 152022
 November 15, 2022
Thanks to the large number of folks who came out 11/12/22

Hello, everyone, This past Saturday, November 12th, despite the damp and cold weather, we had a surprisingly good turn-out of 19 folks who came with smiles on their faces and a great work ethic for our regular monthly clean up. Our usual veterans showed up and we had two new stewards out to participate. On

Nov 142022
 November 14, 2022
Wonderful Auction Results

Thank you, beloved and generous UUSS community for the many gifts of our cherished annual auction. Our first live and in-person auction, raffle and dinner in 3 years was a very happy occasion of great food, fellowship and fundraising. Thank you to every volunteer who helped make it happen! Silent online auction bidding closed last