Nov 092016
 November 9, 2016

November Stitching Fun

Posted by Karen Sparrow

Posted on November 9, 2016

Our numbers are growing and the variety of skills is expanding!

We had 2 quilters, 2 crocheters, 1 embroiderer, 1 counted cross-stitcher and 1 clothing designer.

Lots of laughter and conversation along with Ginny’s homemade cookies made the day.

Denise and Susan

Denise and Susan listen to Ginny discuss yarn choices.


Lilly talks about her growing up at UUSS and her quilting work.


Laurie works on a blouse for her college class


Ginny works on another blanket for the Linus Project


Susan’s thread gets tangled and it takes many hands to unwind the rats nest.


“OK, you go under and I’ll go over….”


No No!!! Don’t drop it now!

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  3 Responses to “November Stitching Fun”

  1. It looks like you all are having lots of fun!

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