Jan 032020
 January 3, 2020

Correction for this Sunday

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on January 3, 2020

sermon topic and speaker–January 5: Can You Be Good without God? Considering a Spirituality for Humanity.
Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, preaching, with Worship Associate Celia Buckley, Rev. Lucy Buncy, Music Director Keith Atwater with Irina Tchantceva, piano, Mary Blanchette, violin, and Cynthia Davis, cello.
The SALVATION topic by Rev. Lucy will be Jan. 12!
The website’s front page will be updated soon to show this, and it is correct in the January Unigram.
Also Jan. 5:
-Service Auction donation table after the service—share your talents!
-Diaper and baby wipes donation drive starts for River City Food Bank.
-Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices at 9:45: Labyrinth walk in the meadow with Rev. Lucy.

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