Feb 082020
 February 8, 2020

Auction less than a month away. Donations accepted, tickets on sale, and volunteers needed

Posted by Michael Miller

Posted on February 8, 2020

Eat Well, Play Often, Connect AlwaysThe 2020 service auction is just around the corner.  Donations close on February 16th so donate now!  Tickets are on sale for the delicious PanAsian dinnerPre-bidding will happen on February 23 and March 1 after church in the Fahs Room.

We are still looking for volunteers to prepare food, sell raffle tickets, and help with other tasks.  Please email for more details.

Check the Auction Page for more details!

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  One Response to “Auction less than a month away. Donations accepted, tickets on sale, and volunteers needed”

  1. Is it possible to purchase tickets online?

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