Apr 052019
 April 5, 2019

Bereavement Group at UUSS starts May 21

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on April 5, 2019

UUSS is hosting a 6-week bereavement support group for those who have been grieving the death of someone close to them.

The group will be led by Chaplain Gregory Ingram, M. Div., who works for Vitas Healthcare and Hospice. He brings divinity school training and years of experience in supporting those who are in hospice and those mourning a loss, including leadership of many bereavement groups. This is a free program–no charge to participate.

The series takes place over six Tuesday afternoons, May 21-June 25,  1:00 to 2:40 PM, in a classroom at the Unitarian Universalist Society, 2425 Sierra Blvd, Sacramento.  Come a bit early to find the room for the first session and meet Chaplain Gregory.

Attendance at all sessions is preferred but attending fewer sessions is okay if necessary for your schedule.

However, it’s not a drop-in group, and attendance at the first session is important!

This is open to UUSS members and friends AND to the wider community. It is likely that some folks will be visiting our campus for the first time and may need guidance to find the room.   Register by April 30 by emailing Gregory Ingram at or call the UUSS Office and ask for your name and contact information to be forwarded to Chaplain Gregory.

Questions may be posted here in the comments section or emailed in confidence to Rev. Roger who will forward them to Chaplain Gregory.

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