Jan 012018
 January 1, 2018

Buddhist Meditation Class January 8 – February 28

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on January 1, 2018

On January 8, an eight-week Meditation Class will begin, led by Doug Kraft, a Dharma teacher, psychotherapist, author and our Minister Emeritus. He has trained in Buddhist meditation for 40 years with over a dozen American teachers and Asian masters. The meditation style is similar to Insight Meditation but has some essential differences. Not a one-pointed concentration method, it blends the cultivation of ease with the cultivation of insight. It emphasizes relaxation, ease, and sense of humor.

You’ll be asked to meditate daily for at least a half hour or longer if possible. If you already have a meditation practice, please be ready to set it aside for the duration of the class so you can give this style a try. Classes will include meditation, discussion of various issues related to the practice, personalized instruction, and time for questions and answers.

Beginning in January, the class will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. each Monday in the Fahs room at UUSS. Doug’s book, “Buddha’s Map”, will be used as the text. The teachings are offered freely. Donations (called dana) are accepted gratefully as they help make it possible to offer these classes.

Sign up at the Adult Enrichment table on Sunday morning or at .

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