Oct 092020
 October 9, 2020

Class with Keith: Topics in religious studies for Wellspring Wednesday

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on October 9, 2020

keith-guitarAs part of our Wellspring Wednesday offerings, our own Keith Atwater will be presenting and leading a discussion about various religious topics on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.  (See the Wellspring Wednesday Calendar page for every week’s offering.)

is a professor of Humanities and Religious Studies at American River College, a lecturer emeritus of  Humanities, Religious Studies, and History at CSUS, and a former high school band, choir, and English teacher.  He’s been our Music Director since 2015!

This is a tentative schedule, subject to change.  Check the Weekly Message email every weekend to be sure, but you are welcome any time.

Oct. 21) “Earth Wisdom from Lakota Elders”

Native American /  tribal spirituality is the first unit in Keith’s World Religions survey class. This unit focuses on what a few major Lakota leaders and spiritual figures past and present want to share with all of us about humans’  relationship to the earth and to all “two legged” and four legged” and “flying” and “swimming” beings. Tonight’s presentation is related to the Oct. 11 Sunday morning service.

Nov. 18) “A Bible Study for UUs — Part One”

An academic and spiritual approach.  Unlike many traditional Christian “Bible Study” classes, our interactive critical analysis will investigate this ancient text’s sources, development over time, translations, interpretations, key ideas, and core narratives. (Part One — Hebrew Bible/  Old Testament)

Dec. 16) “A Bible Study for UU’s — Part Two”

An academic and spiritual approach. Unlike many traditional Christian “Bible Study” classes, our interactive critical analysis will investigate this ancient text’s sources, development over time, translations, interpretations, key ideas, and core narratives. (Part Two — New Testament)

Jan. 20) “Meet Our Neighbors, the Sikhs”

Sikhism is the world’s fifth largest religion, with its origins in Punjab, India. Almost a half million Sikhs live here in California, with a million more in Canada and England. We’ll explore Sikh beliefs, traditions, and lifestyles of a community that has experienced some persecution since 9/11 (Come find out why!)

Feb. 24) “The Heart and Soul of Black / African-American Music – Spirituals & Gospel”

Our gray 1993 UU hymnal and our teal 2000 UU songbook contain several outstanding examples of  a very significant original American artform – the spirituals of enslaved African-Americans, the gospel music of contemporary churches, and some secular sources. We’ll listen deeply and examine closely the music and lyrics of this  unique vocal / choral music, past and present.

March 17 ) “The Wright Stuff – Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unitarian and other Sacred Space Designs”

The Wright family were Unitarians, as was perhaps the first American “starchitect,” Frank Lloyd Wright. We’ll take virtual tours of several of his (and his son’s) sacred structures – churches, chapels, meeting houses, and synagogue – as we discover the ideas and functions of his innovative designs.

April 21) “The Golden Age of Islamic Arts”

“Come, come, whoever you are” to this session where we’ll immerse ourselves in the great arts that flourished in  medieval Persia, Turkey, and Spain: the poetry of Rumi and Hafiz, Sufi music and dance, and sacred and secular architecture and design.


Wellspring Wednesday happens every week at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted.   Each session lasts 60-90 minutes.  It is not on Facebook Live, only Zoom:  uuss.org/online  All sessions are free of charge, but voluntary donations are welcome to support this and other Adult Enrichment Programs.  To make a contribution:  by credit card or PayPal:  uuss.org/donate  By check:  UUSS, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento 95825.  Note “Wellspring” in the memo line.

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  6 Responses to “Class with Keith: Topics in religious studies for Wellspring Wednesday”

  1. Wonderful Keith! I’m looking forward to each and every one of these Spiritual talks! Thank you!

  2. Any chance of recording this session and having it posted on the website? I have a meeting conflict Wednesday the 21st.

  3. Thank you Keith. I’m looking forward to your classes!

  4. Great topics for study; thank you Keith

  5. Thank you Keith for offering this! I look forward to it.

  6. Looking forward to it if it still fits in the schedule.

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