Aug 162021
 August 16, 2021

Farewell Memories & Appreciations: Concluding “Wellspring Wednesday” Aug. 18

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on August 16, 2021

After more than a year of continuous programs on Wednesday night in the UUSS Zoom stream, we will conclude Wellspring Wednesday this week.  All welcome!  Even if you have not attended before, you are welcome to come.  Unlike Sunday services and Tuesday vespers (March 2020-June 2021), there are no recordings of Wellspring Wednesday on our website or Facebook page.

Make some new connections and hear about the highlights of the past year in this community-building feature.  Showing up over the year we’ve had longtime members in Sacramento, friends living on other continents, and local folks exploring UUSS as a potential spiritual home and community.

Rev. Lucy and I learned a lot about using this technology to build connections and learn together about our values and our UU faith tradition.

Thank you!

Wednesday, Aug. 18, 7:00 to 8:00 pm


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