Lift Every Voice, Sunday, Oct. 2
Posted by Judy Lane
Posted on September 29, 2022
What keeps people from becoming involved in community and neighborhood organizations? Must we be split into communities of “us and them”? Join Jim Ewing and Max Soucia on Sunday, October 2, for a discussion after the service at 11:30 a.m. on the Covered Patio. Sponsored by Adult Enrichment. Look for the “Lift Every Voice” table.
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More Adult Enrichment Updates
By Judy Lane
Cancelled: Molly Stuart’s “End of Life Planning” series that was to run Tuesdays, Sept. 3,10,17. Stay tuned, though, for her new presentation, “Using Mortality to Enrich Life”, beginning Sept. 24. Info and signups at Sunday Connections table and . Remember also, if you have questions about alternate burial possibilities like “green burial”, Molly offers a Zoom discussion on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 10:00 a.m. Go to to get the Zoom link.
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