Jan 102017
 January 10, 2017

MULTIKULTI: Introduction to Multicultural Awareness

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on January 10, 2017

multikultiThe workshop “MULTIKULTI: Introduction to Multicultural Awareness” will be held on Saturday, January 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Registration is a sliding scale from $40-$60, lunch included.  Led by Mtuaswa Anthony Johnson, a Starr King ministry student visiting and volunteering in our congregation this year.  Advance registration required at the Adult Enrichment table. Scholarships available; contact .


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  6 Responses to “MULTIKULTI: Introduction to Multicultural Awareness”

  1. Do you have an outline of this workshop? I’m interested

  2. I am new to Sacramento and to this UU Society, I want to participate in something meaningful pre MLK Day & Women’s March. Is it possible to get some details of this workshop? Thank you!

    • Welcome! Thank you for your message. We will forward your message to our Religious Education
      Coordinator, and she can get you in touch with the workshop leader.

      • Hello, Judy and YenLu. I just sent an email to YenLu. Judy, I tried to copy you on my info but your email bounced back to me. My laptop email program may remember an email that is outdated for you, so if you email me, I’ll reply!

  3. I’m very excited about this! I know this takes place when the Women’s March is happening, but when we booked it we didn’t know that event would happen. If you are not going to the march, please sign up for this. It will be awesome!

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