Open-hearted Humanism—Passionate & Inclusive
Posted by Rev Roger
Posted on August 5, 2020
tonight (Wed.) with guest speaker Anthony Cruz Pantoja
7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Wellspring Wednesday Program in our Zoom Space
Join Rev. Roger for a talk with Unitarian Universalist seminarian Anthony Cruz Pantoja on recent trends in Congregational Humanism, including the rising leaders of color in the movement for compassion, reason, imagination, freedom, human flourishing, and environmental care. Bring your questions and your open heart!
Meet our guest speaker: Currently a chaplain intern at UC Davis Med Center, Anthony is an aspirant for UU ministry and soon will be serving his ministerial internship at Community Church of New York. Originally from Caguas, Puerto Rico, Anthony holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico and a Master of Theological Studies from Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School. He is now pursuing a Master of Leadership Studies at Meadville Lombard Theological School (in a program co-sponsored by the American Humanist Center for Education). He has studied the intersections of anthropology, theology, and religion, seeking to create spaces of renewed imagination and collective liberation. He lives by the motto, “Storying the life, we cherish the most.”
Support this program: The honorarium for this presentation is provided by the UUSS Adult Enrichment Committee. There is no charge to attend, but freewill contributions are welcome. You may donate by PayPal at, text your amount to (855) 935-2216 [an initial setup is required] or mail a check to UUSS Adult Enrichment, UUSS, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento, 95825
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