Jan 142017
 January 14, 2017

This Sunday: Religious Education for all ages, the Worship Service, and More

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on January 14, 2017

Religious Education

After the first 15 minutes of the service, Rev. Roger will be departing with our kids, youth and adult volunteers to visit Religious Education! This Sunday we have a full program for children and youth, with new volunteer leaders in the Senior High Youth Group and Spirit Play and continuing volunteers in the Junior High Youth Group. Every Sunday our Room 11 Nursery is staffed to support our families with infants and toddlers. Thank you to Miranda Massa and her team of staff and many volunteers!


Sunday Sermon and Music: Courage and Faith!
Rev. Lucy will be preaching about Doubt, Fear, Courage and Faith in honor of the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
D. Scott Cooper and Jim Eastman will be part of the service—and so will our growing and fabulous UUSS Choir! Music Director Keith Atwater and guest pianist Linda Dawson will be leading and supporting our singers. Thanks to Linda for her lovely music during Ina’s trip abroad. Your ministers look forward to connecting with many of you at Exploring UUism before church and Coffee Hour after the service!


Our Shared Offering partner in January is Sacramento Family Promise, which helps homeless families with hospitality and help in job and housing searches so they can achieve self-sufficiency. UUSS is a host congregation and a founding one in Sacramento.


Exploring Unitarian Universalism (9:30) or Sitting Meditation (9:45)

9:30 AM January 15: Exploring UUism: Social Justice, with Rev. Lucy Bunch, Rev. Roger Jones, and UUSS Trustees—and you! 9:30 to 10:15 in the Fahs Classroom in the education building. A different topic or theme every month (3rd Sunday) on a rotation basis.

9:45 AM January 15: Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices: Silent Sitting Meditation this Sunday, 9:45-10:15 AM in Classroom 6 in the education building. A different spiritual practice every Sunday

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