Feb 052025
 February 5, 2025

Understanding Age-Related Health Changes: Facts, Questions, Answers 1-19-25 VIDEO RECORDING

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on February 5, 2025

A recording from Sunday, January 19, 2025. Led by Olga Sukhenko, UC Davis Geriatrics Clinical Nurse Specialist and UCD Geriatric Resource Nurses. They answered questions that were submitted ahead of time.


2025-01-30 14_41_29-Understanding Age-Related Health Changes_ Facts, Questions, Answers 1-19-25 VIDE (1)


Olga speaks
1:12 Memory
3:23 Do Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s run in families?
4:48 More about short term memory
5:27 Sleep and sleep apnea
6:53 Lungs
9:33 Gastro-intestinal and nutrition, gallstones and liver function, constipation
13:46 do we need more protein?
14:35 which supplements do we really need?
15:55 why do spices bother older people?
16:43 Kidneys and urinary tract
20:45 Incontinence
21:42 Prostate problems
23:08 remedies for prolapsed uterus
24:01 more about treatment for incontinence
25:31 Sexual changes
27:01 Skin and hair
28:42 Muscle, bones
31:05 arthritis
32:50 nutrition for bone health
35:11 height loss
36:23 Endocrine system, including diabetes and low thyroid

Rebecca speaks now, about how medical issues present differently in older adults
42:00 More about diabetes symptoms
43:00 Respiratory infections
44:00 Dehydration
45:35 Urinary tract infections
46:44 TB
47.59 Peritonitis
And a shout-out about using your cane and walker to stay safe.

Sunita speaks about sensory changes: hearing, sight, sense of smell, etc.
Mostly about eyes
58:00 Hearing
1:00:53 Taste
1:00:01 Smell
1:00:02 Speech disorders
1:06:47 Fall prevention
1:07:22 Need mammograms every year still?
1:07:59 Is it safe for old people to have surgery?
1:09:00 When is a symptom just old age or something dangerous
1:11:09 What to do about peripheral arterial disease?
1:13:00 More about symptoms that may or may not be serious

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