Dec 132019
 December 13, 2019

UU views on human nature, a class on Dec. 17

Posted by Judy Lane

Posted on December 13, 2019

a-house-for-hopeAre humans basically good, or rather more likely to harm others to get what we want?  On Sunday, December 15, Rev. Roger’s sermon will be “What Good Is a Human Being?  Human Nature in Unitarian Universalism”, continuing our ministers’ monthly series on “UU Theologies for the 21st century”.  On Tuesday the 17th, come at either 2:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. for the follow-up class.  Sign up at the Adult Enrichment Table in the Welcome Hall, or just drop in.  Want to watch from home?  The Zoom link for connection to the 6:30 p.m. class is The Zoom room opens at 6:15 p.m.

We hope you can join us!  The resource book for the class is A House for Hope: The Promise of Progressive Religion for the Twenty-first Century, by Rebecca Parker and John Buehrens.  Copies are available in the UUSS Sunday Bookstore, or online from Amazon.  Please read chapters 9 and 10 as preparation for the December 17 class.



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  One Response to “UU views on human nature, a class on Dec. 17”

  1. Please try to arrive 10 minutes before we start so you can sign in. There is no charge for this course but freewill donations are welcome to support Adult Enrichment programs at UUSS.

    If you plan to join us online by Zoom for the 6:30 session, please alert Dirk Tuell in advance so he can plan for you, and try to sign in by 6:20 at . We’re hoping to avoid the glitches that made it hard for your full participation online.

    Homework! As Judy Lane has noted, if you are reading A House for Hope for the class, please read chapters 9 and 10. It looks as if there is one copy left on the new books shelf in the UUSS Bookstore.

    If you have lots of free time and want to do some extra (and rather dense) reading, you might try this 1941 essay by the 20th Unitarian theologian and activist James Luther Adams: The Changing Reputation of Human Nature.

    Also of interest is an excerpt from the new book by UU minister Nancy McDonald Ladd, After the Good News: Progressive Faith Beyond Optimism. The excerpt is a 2019 article in the UU World magazine, which church members receive in the mail, but which all can see it here:

    Yours in faith,

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