Jan 122016
 January 12, 2016

Wednesday meditation surprise!

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on January 12, 2016

Some weeks we have 2 or 3 folks come to sit in silence together, other weeks we have 4 or 5. We start at 5:30 pm and end by 6 pm.  All welcome; we accept freewill donations to UUSS–no charge.

Last Wednesday I was running 5 minutes late, which I knew meant that someone else would have to invite the silent mindfulness and set their timer to chime after 22 minutes.

I got there, and looking in through the window of Classroom 6 and saw 8 people sitting in peace with eyes closed around the card table with Buddha’s statue. All chairs taken. I decided not to grab a chair from another room but to let them be. Next time I’ll be early!

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