Aug 192020
 August 19, 2020

Wellspring Wednesday Tonight (Aug. 19)

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on August 19, 2020

In Search of Oneness: From Chaos to Cosmos.

With your host, me! We’ll see a brief talk by Sarbmeet Kanwal, an astrophysics professor and then talk and listen to one another.

What is a time when you have had an experience of oneness? What kinds of things interfere with a sense of oneness for you, or interfere with living out that sense of unity with others, with humanity, or with “particular” 😟 humans? Tonight at 7:00 PM in the UUSS Zoom stream.

There is no fee for Wellspring Wednesday, but freewill donations to support the UUSS Adult Enrichment programs are always welcome:

I lead this evening and Rev. Lucy leads next Wednesday.

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