May 132022
 May 13, 2022

Be an Advocate for the Un housed- Training Day is Here! All are Welcome

Posted by Rev Lucy

Posted on May 13, 2022

housingYou heard the Call to Action and more than 100 people signed up. Now its time to learn how to make a difference. On Sunday, May 15 after church, members from Public Health Advocates will provide training to teach us how to become impactful advocates with local jurisdictions. They will provide us with helpful written tips for each type of advocacy–attending a Board of Supervisors meeting, calling in to a Board meeting and sending well-scripted and to the point emails. They will also demonstrate how the process of calling-in works, so you will know what to expect. In addition, we will learn more about specifics of the  County’s allocation process and where we can best focus our advocacy efforts. The training will last about an hour.

It’s a Piece of Cake–simple, specific, timely and oh, so effective!

A sandwich lunch with other light snacks will be set up on the patio for participants. And yes, there will be cake! Don’t want to get out of your PJs? You can join the training at noon by Zoom at

We have the power to influence the Board of Supervisors priorities as they continue to allocate funding from the American Rescue Plan Act. This is where we can raise our voices on behalf of almost 10,000 people in the Sacramento area who have no voice.

If you haven’t already … you can sign up as an advocate by sending an email to . Avoid the dreaded ailment of FOMO (fear of missing out)! Our unhoused neighbors need your support.

See you Sunday! Bring a friend.

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  6 Responses to “Be an Advocate for the Un housed- Training Day is Here! All are Welcome”

  1. for everybody asking about the video, it is now on the new advocates for homeless page found here:

  2. I am watching it on Zoom, but like Deidre, I would really like to see a recording also. -Rosemary

  3. Will the Zoom portion be recorded? I will be attending another event at the time of the training, but I would like to review it later.

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